As discussed in some of my previous articles/lens, the Red Ring of Death can be caused by many, many things. One of the things that I mentioned was issues with the powerbox. Since I posted that, quite a lot of people have messaged me to ask me if I could tell them whether it was the console or the power that was having the problem. So here it is, all you people - Diagnosis for your Xbox 360.
First, look at the back of the console and follow the wire along until you see the powerbrick. If the light is green, orange, red or not lit at all, then you have to do is unplug everything, and then plug it back in. Then you can try turning the Xbox 360 it on again. If you still have the red lights, then follow the next set of steps.
Soldering Supplies
If that didn't work, then you need to move your console into another room and plug everything in. If the light on the powerbrick turns green, then there is a problem with the wall socket that you were using before. Before plugging the connector back into the wall, make sure to have it inspected for damage.
If the powerbrick is still not lit after all these steps, then you need to get a replacement power supply. You can get them off Amazon, or if you are willing to wait a while, you can get them from Microsoft.
If the powerbrick is red or orange after the steps, then try to cool the powerbrick down. Unplug it from the wall, and then leave it in a cool place BUT NOT IN A FRIDGE OR FREEZER. The place needs to be somewhere cool and well ventilated, not somewhere freezing cold. After it's been left for a while, plug it back into your Xbox and the wall. If the power supply remains red, then you have a problem with your power supply. You will need to get a new one.
If you still have the Red Ring of Death and the power brick's light is green, then you need to repair your Xbox. By repair, note that I don't mean wrap it in a bunch of towels or start bearing down on it with a DIY soldering kit. I mean that you will actually need to fix it properly. If, it's in warranty, you can send it back to Microsoft, but that will take up to two months to return it to you.